maandag 20 april 2009

smith toward a theory of learning how to learn

Analysis of the literature suggests that adult educators and
adult learners have much to gain from a clearer conceptualization
of a theory of the nature and implications of learning how to
learn—a concept that involves the adult’s having, or acquiring, the
knowledge and skill essential to learning effectively in whatever
(learning) situation he encounters. The concept can be shown to
have relevance for successful programming and learning in the
three major modes: learning on one’s own, collaborative learning,
and institutional learning. This study (1) explores problems of
definition, (2) describes both learning style and training-organized
activity for helping the adult to achieve competence in learning—
as dimensions or interrelated sub-concepts of learning how to learn,
(3) identifies needed research and (4) suggests that the success or
failure of programs and learning episodes is often determined by
the way in which the implications of this concept are taken into

mijn notes
  • leren leren is een van de vier elementen van het adult learners proces samen met goals, re-inforcement en knowledge of results.
  • definitie van leren leren
  • learning how to learn of learning to learn
  • learning how to learn refers to the adult's having or acquiring the knowledge and skills essential to learning effectively in whatever situations he encounters.
  • requirements for success in learning
  • skills needed can be divived in three modes: skills for self-directed inquiry, skills for collaborative learning and skills for learning in the traditional institutional setting. vergelijk dat met drie soorten leren van simons.
  • skills for selfdirected inquiry, vergelijk die met wat ik onderzocht heb.
  • the student moet bewustwording en begrip voor zichzelf als lerende ontwikkelen.
  • gaat verder over wat de educator kan doen
  • op p 11 staat een overzicht van de rollen en verantwoordelijkheden
  • het stuk gaat niet erg diep, ik weet niet of het echt nuttig is.

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Onderwijskundig adviseur ICT in Onderwijs Service Centrum Onderwijs (SCO) Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen