maandag 27 april 2009

polson idea paper nr 29 teaching adult students

mijn notes:
  • characteristics of adult learners: multiple roles, more life experience, varied developmental tasks, experience with education long time ago, off-campus directed, having established clearer educational goals
  • must meet specific needs: they want to know how the course work will meet their needs, it is imperative that instructors learn very early why each student enrolled in the course, gather background information, alternative exercises
  • assistance with everyday tasks: adults students are very task oriented, wanting and expecting their learning be applicable to problems with which they are being confronted daily, case studies based on situations the students have confronted on the job,
  • experiences impact teaching and learning : the difficulty is not learning something new, it is in relating it back to what has been previously learned, when presenting information that is new to the student, it is important to help them integrate the new information with information they have already acquired, adults have developed some preconceptions, occasionally adult students will react emotionally and become defensive when 'their truths' are questioned, understanding that this is a normal pattern of learning will help the instructor anticipate and cope with student anger or resistance to the new learning, students need transition time to focus on and absorb new information
  • consequences of aging process on learning: use large print, employ both audio and visual formats, older and younger students differ most in their reaction time, older students may perform poorly on timed, multiple choice tests, tasks requiring psychomotor skills, use a variety of ways to measure student learning, as students grow older, they tend to experience some short-term memory loss, progresses at the speed that students can follow,
  • create a positive learning environment: older students feel insecure, instructors should provide support and encouragement when asking students to try new skills, ensure a non-threatening learning climate where learners feel free to take risks and try new skills, adult learners need to feel a part of a learning community, providing a class roster, a

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Onderwijskundig adviseur ICT in Onderwijs Service Centrum Onderwijs (SCO) Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen