maandag 27 april 2009

mcnickle the impact ict has on how we learn

This paper provides an overview of the impact that ICTs have on learning and some of
the limitations. ICTs have been responsible for the transfer of education from passive
participation to active participation. The Internet offers the learner opportunities to
go beyond boundaries not experienced before – in the terms of subject matter and
As a result of ICTs, new learning concepts have evolved, based predominantly on the
constructivist mode of learning and knowledge-development. The power that the web
allows the self-directed learner is enormous in comparison to the traditional
classroom based learner.
It has been found that for learners to achieve a level of expertise the learning has to
be deep, conceptual and reflective with strong links between concepts and practice.
This paper seeks to illustrate some of the research findings addressing these areas.

mijn notes:
  • learning theory takes many forms including pedagogy, andragogy and heutagogy.
  • the move towards a more self-directed learning style is closely aligned with heutagogy. (self-determined learning Hase and Kenyon 2000)
  • can be seen as advancing on the metacognitive elements of andragogy and the adult learning principles based on self-directedness. this approach focuses on the participative and reflective aspects of learning, constructing meaning and systems with the focus on the learner instead of the teacher.
  • one of the major changes that has taken place as a consequence of online learning is the shift of the control of the learning from the teacher to both teacher and learner sharing the responsibility.
  • andragogy: informing learners of the importance of what they are learning, showing learners how to direct themselves through information, relating the topic to their experiences, learners have to see the relativity and they will not learn until they are motivated and ready to learn, assisting learners to overcome inhibitions and beliefs about learning
  • heutagogy is seen as a progression towards self-determined learning and a more mature form of learning.
  • heutagogy uses skills like reflection, environmental scanning, to be able to value experiences, interact with others.
  • p. 7 technology assists and aids adults with learning as: adults learn best by doing, adult learn best when they can actively use information, adults learn best when they are intrinsically motivated
  • ict had the following impact on the learning process: providing a greater opportunity for learning tasks to be authentic, global, constructive and negotial; providing greater opportunities for learning resources to be open, non-linear, flexible and negotiable: changing the learning support role of teachers from expert to coach; transferring effort from the individual to a collaborative effort and changing fragmented assessment to integrated assessment
  • beetje onduidelijk stuk

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Over mij

Onderwijskundig adviseur ICT in Onderwijs Service Centrum Onderwijs (SCO) Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen