maandag 20 april 2009

kasworm adult meaning making in the undergraduate classroom

This study explores adult undergraduate beliefs about their construction of knowledge in the classroom and the relationships between such knowledge and their adult roles outside the classroom. Five belief structures, called “knowledge voices,” were delineated from interviews with 90 adult students. These belief structures included the entry voice, the outside voice, the cynical
voice, the straddling voice, and the inclusion voice. Each of these five knowledge voices suggests a particular construction of the adult student learning world, perceptions of knowledge, and understandings of relationships between the collegiate classroom and the adult learners’worlds of work, family, self, and community.

mijn notes
  • er is eigenlijk weinig bekend over wat adult learners anders maakt.
  • more complex and varied backgrounds of life experiences and prior knowledge and
    skills; complex educational histories; wide-ranging maturity levels, motivations,
    and attitudes; and limited time, resources, and access for collegiate engagement
    (Apps, 1981; Cross, 1981; Knowles, 1969).
  • adult learning was viewed to be a self-regulatory process of struggling with the conflict between personal models of
    the world and discrepant new insights, constructing new representations and models
    of reality as a human meaning-making venture with culturally developed tools and
    symbols, and further negotiating such meaning through cooperative social activity,
    discourse, and debate. (p. ix)
  • zeer relevant stuk om naast mijn vragenlijst te gebruiken. gaat meer in op de menselijke kant
  • vijf voices hoe studenten betekenis gaven aan hun classroom learning: entry voiced, outside voice, cynical voice, straddling voice en inclusion voice (zie tabel 1).
  • deze vijf stemmen zijn interessant. ze geven de manier waarop studenten hun opleiding ervaren en impliceren ook waarvoor ze wel en niet openstaan. het zou mooi zijn als ik deze kan combineren met mijn vragenlijst.
  • zeker een aanrader.

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Onderwijskundig adviseur ICT in Onderwijs Service Centrum Onderwijs (SCO) Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen