dinsdag 28 april 2009

schapiro - from andragogy to collaborative critical pedagogy

This article describes the evolving learning model of the Fielding Graduate Institute's innovative Ph.D. Program in Human and Organization Development. Based on the principles of andragogy, this program developed various forms of distance learning combining brief academic residencies with individualized learning plans carried out in the student's home setting and within the context of one-to-one faculty-student mentoring relationships. During the past several years, the program has been moving to a more collaborative and critical model of education. This article describes the original adult learning principles on which the program was founded and those it has added; its enduring differences, in ends and means, from traditional forms of graduate study; the limitations of andragogy and self-directed learning; and the primary components of an emerging model that builds on the principles of andragogy, but it adds elements of critical and collaborative pedagogy that can make possible social and personal empowerment and transformation.

mijn notes
  • goede quote 'schools are for children. life itself is the adults' school (Lindeman, p. 152)
  • goed article met verwijzingen naar literatuur, grow, garrisson, freire, merizow.
  • ze hebben de shift gemaakt van volledig zelfgestuurd naar meer social en kritisch, zoals zij het noemen naar critical pedagogy.
  • ze gingen er vanuit dat hun studenten al zelfgestuurd waren en dat ze ze dat niet hoefden te leren, dat klopt niet
  • p. 155 concept of self-directed learning als psychological disposition (set of personal attributes) or as a learning process (set of knowledge and skills). Students might have the disposition but not the skills.
  • misschien niet zelfgestuurd maar collaborative learner- centered.
  • garrison collaborative constructionist conceptualization of self-directed learning (zoeken)
  • garrison differentiates between the control of the construction of personal meaning and control of judgements about the social and academic worth
  • also differentiate between ownership of the learning objectives and management of the process of learning
  • grow's staged self directive learning model (heb ik)
  • three suggestions to improve the HOD model: engaging more ongoing dialogue, offer more preplanned and prestructured learning experiences, serious about our commitment to social justice
  • principles for new model:
  • 1 learning in relationships: learning does not occur in isolation
  • 2 negotiating the curriculum; for each phase faculty and students negotiate the curriculum. faculty and students join together in planning, implementing as assessing learning, faculty help students to take more control
  • goede quote garrison op p159 onderaan
  • planning for learning:
  • learning activities
  • assessment and evaluation
  • mutual process of transformation

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Onderwijskundig adviseur ICT in Onderwijs Service Centrum Onderwijs (SCO) Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen