mijn notes
- goede quote 'schools are for children. life itself is the adults' school (Lindeman, p. 152)
- goed article met verwijzingen naar literatuur, grow, garrisson, freire, merizow.
- ze hebben de shift gemaakt van volledig zelfgestuurd naar meer social en kritisch, zoals zij het noemen naar critical pedagogy.
- ze gingen er vanuit dat hun studenten al zelfgestuurd waren en dat ze ze dat niet hoefden te leren, dat klopt niet
- p. 155 concept of self-directed learning als psychological disposition (set of personal attributes) or as a learning process (set of knowledge and skills). Students might have the disposition but not the skills.
- misschien niet zelfgestuurd maar collaborative learner- centered.
- garrison collaborative constructionist conceptualization of self-directed learning (zoeken)
- garrison differentiates between the control of the construction of personal meaning and control of judgements about the social and academic worth
- also differentiate between ownership of the learning objectives and management of the process of learning
- grow's staged self directive learning model (heb ik)
- three suggestions to improve the HOD model: engaging more ongoing dialogue, offer more preplanned and prestructured learning experiences, serious about our commitment to social justice
- principles for new model:
- 1 learning in relationships: learning does not occur in isolation
- 2 negotiating the curriculum; for each phase faculty and students negotiate the curriculum. faculty and students join together in planning, implementing as assessing learning, faculty help students to take more control
- goede quote garrison op p159 onderaan
- planning for learning:
- learning activities
- assessment and evaluation
- mutual process of transformation
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