maandag 27 april 2009

Davies adult learning: a lived experience approach to understanding the process

three approaches to adult learning are being advocated and used as bases for research and theory developed. A fourth, the 'lived experience approach' deserves more attention

mijn notes:
  • er zijn drie gangbare theorien voor het leren van volwassenen:
  • personalised instruction
  • andragogy
  • personal learning project
  • de vierde die de schrijver voorstelt is gebaseerd op lived experience
  • learning needs to develop out of the current experience of the learner and build from it.
  • freire is een aanhanger van dit model. hij describes the educator's role as on in which he enters into dialogue with the learner about concrete situations from the learner's experience. teaching can only be done from the inside out.
  • learners have a new sense of discovery of themselves as learners
  • niet echt bruikbaar denk ik

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Onderwijskundig adviseur ICT in Onderwijs Service Centrum Onderwijs (SCO) Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen