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woensdag 29 april 2009
dinsdag 28 april 2009
schapiro - from andragogy to collaborative critical pedagogy
This article describes the evolving learning model of the Fielding Graduate Institute's innovative Ph.D. Program in Human and Organization Development. Based on the principles of andragogy, this program developed various forms of distance learning combining brief academic residencies with individualized learning plans carried out in the student's home setting and within the context of one-to-one faculty-student mentoring relationships. During the past several years, the program has been moving to a more collaborative and critical model of education. This article describes the original adult learning principles on which the program was founded and those it has added; its enduring differences, in ends and means, from traditional forms of graduate study; the limitations of andragogy and self-directed learning; and the primary components of an emerging model that builds on the principles of andragogy, but it adds elements of critical and collaborative pedagogy that can make possible social and personal empowerment and transformation.
mijn notes
mijn notes
- goede quote 'schools are for children. life itself is the adults' school (Lindeman, p. 152)
- goed article met verwijzingen naar literatuur, grow, garrisson, freire, merizow.
- ze hebben de shift gemaakt van volledig zelfgestuurd naar meer social en kritisch, zoals zij het noemen naar critical pedagogy.
- ze gingen er vanuit dat hun studenten al zelfgestuurd waren en dat ze ze dat niet hoefden te leren, dat klopt niet
- p. 155 concept of self-directed learning als psychological disposition (set of personal attributes) or as a learning process (set of knowledge and skills). Students might have the disposition but not the skills.
- misschien niet zelfgestuurd maar collaborative learner- centered.
- garrison collaborative constructionist conceptualization of self-directed learning (zoeken)
- garrison differentiates between the control of the construction of personal meaning and control of judgements about the social and academic worth
- also differentiate between ownership of the learning objectives and management of the process of learning
- grow's staged self directive learning model (heb ik)
- three suggestions to improve the HOD model: engaging more ongoing dialogue, offer more preplanned and prestructured learning experiences, serious about our commitment to social justice
- principles for new model:
- 1 learning in relationships: learning does not occur in isolation
- 2 negotiating the curriculum; for each phase faculty and students negotiate the curriculum. faculty and students join together in planning, implementing as assessing learning, faculty help students to take more control
- goede quote garrison op p159 onderaan
- planning for learning:
- learning activities
- assessment and evaluation
- mutual process of transformation
adult learners,
zelf-gestuurd leren
cercone - characteristics of adults learners with implicatons for online learning design
The online educational environment is increasingly being used by adults and should be designed based on the needs of adult learners. This article discusses andragogy, an important
adult learning theory, and reviews three other adult learning theories: self-directed learning, experiential learning, and transformational learning. During this discussion, the theories are examined for the ways in which they may be applied to the design of online learning environments. In addition, the characteristics of adult learners are examined, and an analysis of how these characteristics influence the design of an online learning environment is presented.
Recommendations follow regarding how to design an online classroom environment while considering the application of adult learning theories.
mijn notes
adult learning theory, and reviews three other adult learning theories: self-directed learning, experiential learning, and transformational learning. During this discussion, the theories are examined for the ways in which they may be applied to the design of online learning environments. In addition, the characteristics of adult learners are examined, and an analysis of how these characteristics influence the design of an online learning environment is presented.
Recommendations follow regarding how to design an online classroom environment while considering the application of adult learning theories.
mijn notes
- characteristieken van adult students en hoe je hiermee rekening moet houden in online course development. de characteristics zijn:
- 1 adults may have some limitations and these should be considered in the design of the online environment
- learning styles need to be considered. in any group of adults there will be a wide ragen of individual differences.
- adults need to be actively involved in the learning process
- adults need scaffolding to be provided by the instructor. scaffolding should promote self-reliance and it should allow learners to perform activities they were unable to perform without this support
- adults have a pre-existing learning history and will need support to work in the new learner- centered paradigm
- adults need the instructor acting as a facilitator
- adults need consideration of their prior experience
- adults need to see the link between what they are learning and how it will apply to their lives. they are problem-centered
- adults need to feel that learning focuses on issues that directly concern them and want to know what they are going to learn. the course should be learner-centered
- adults need to test their learning as they go along, rather than receive background theory
- adult learning requires a climate that is collaborative, respectful, mutual and informal
- adults need to self-reflect on the learning process and be given support for transformational learning
- adults need dialogue and social interaction must be provided. they need to collaborate with other students.
- veel referenties naar theorie; andragogy, transformational learning, self-directed learning
adult learners,
zelf-gestuurd leren
bolhuis - teachers'conceptions of student learning and own learning
New learning theory, underpinning the idea of teaching for self-directed learning, provides new
conceptions of learning: the self-regulation of learning, the construct-character of knowledge, the
social nature of learning and a dynamic model of intelligence. What conceptions teachers hold
may be related to their tolerance of uncertainty. We constructed a Learning Inventory and
administered this to teachers in Dutch senior secondary education, where an innovation is heading
for more independent learning. We found empirical confirmation of the five dimensions underlying
teachers’ conceptions of learning, both for student learning and for their own learning.
Tolerance of uncertainty explained the other four dimensions in conceptions of student learning,
but not in teachers’ conceptions of their own learning. Teachers generally endorse the process-oriented
conceptions, although some differences are noted between teachers’ conceptions of student
learning and their own learning.
mijn notes:
conceptions of learning: the self-regulation of learning, the construct-character of knowledge, the
social nature of learning and a dynamic model of intelligence. What conceptions teachers hold
may be related to their tolerance of uncertainty. We constructed a Learning Inventory and
administered this to teachers in Dutch senior secondary education, where an innovation is heading
for more independent learning. We found empirical confirmation of the five dimensions underlying
teachers’ conceptions of learning, both for student learning and for their own learning.
Tolerance of uncertainty explained the other four dimensions in conceptions of student learning,
but not in teachers’ conceptions of their own learning. Teachers generally endorse the process-oriented
conceptions, although some differences are noted between teachers’ conceptions of student
learning and their own learning.
mijn notes:
- ze hebben onderzoek gedaan naar de percepties die docenten hebben van hun eigen leren en dat van hun studenten.
- interessant zijn de verschillen die docenten zien tussen zichzelf en de studenten:
- 1 ze verwachten van de studenten meer tolerance for uncertainty dan van zichzelf
- 2 ze zien bij zichzelf een meer dynamic conception of intelligence than voor studenten. ze zien dat ze zelf blijven leren tijdens hun carierre
- 3 teacher support for internal regulation was laag.
leren leren,
zelf-gestuurd leren
maandag 27 april 2009
fidishun andragogy and technology: integrating adult learning theory as we teach with technology
Introducing technology into the curriculum means more than just “making it work.” The principles of adult learning theory can be used in the design of technology-based instruction to make it more effective. Malcolm Knowles’ theory of andragogy allows teacher/facilitators to structure lessons which are part of a relevant learning environment for adults students.
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- uiteenzetting van knowles principles of androgogy
- conclusie: arguments for the use of technology many time include statements about its flexibilty and the ability of the learner to move through lessons any time, anywhere and at their own pace. to adapt to the needs of adult students, these definitions of technology-based learning must be utilized to make its design interactive, learner-centered and to facilitate self-direction in learners. educators must become facilitators of learning
bird adults contemplating university study at a distance
This study identifies and explores a range of themes, issues and questions that commonly confront adults contemplating enrolment in university, and why they persist. The study focuses particularly on issues facing prospective adult distance education learners. From a range of interviews, six themes were identified including fears, motivation, support from home, academic preparedness, suitability of programs, and identity change.
It is argued that the more effective we become at information provision, guidance and preparation of adult pre-entry open and distance learners, the more likely students will experience a smooth transition to study, thus improving both student satisfaction and retention rates. Successful intervention with prospective distance education learners at this early point should aim to assist the process of informed decision making, which could result equally in an individual deciding not to pursue university study. The findings in this study should be particularly useful for those academics, course advisors, student counsellors, teachers in preparatory programs, and university information and support officers, and others who provide adult distance students, with pre-enrolment information and advice.
mijn notes:
This study identifies and explores a range of themes, issues and questions that commonly confront adults contemplating enrolment in university, and why they persist. The study focuses particularly on issues facing prospective adult distance education learners. From a range of interviews, six themes were identified including fears, motivation, support from home, academic preparedness, suitability of programs, and identity change.
It is argued that the more effective we become at information provision, guidance and preparation of adult pre-entry open and distance learners, the more likely students will experience a smooth transition to study, thus improving both student satisfaction and retention rates. Successful intervention with prospective distance education learners at this early point should aim to assist the process of informed decision making, which could result equally in an individual deciding not to pursue university study. The findings in this study should be particularly useful for those academics, course advisors, student counsellors, teachers in preparatory programs, and university information and support officers, and others who provide adult distance students, with pre-enrolment information and advice.
mijn notes:
- lange lijst met factoren die een rol spelen bij het succes van volwassenen studenten in het hoger onderwijs, bijv. predisposition and readiness for independent learning, impact of previous educational encounters, access to and confidence with computers
- er zijn interviews gedaan, eerst open daarna op bepaalde thema's die uit de eerste interviews kwamen. hieruit kwamen zes thema's: fears, motivation to succeed, support from home, academic preparedness, suitability of programs, identity change
- they key theme is that of motivation
- er staat een rijtje aanbevelingen die counsellors kan bespreken met toekomstige studenten
adult learners,
redenen voor uitval
tomasson a qualitative inquiry into the existing research on learner's needs in online learning
The purpose of this qualitative inquiry is to analyze the literature on the topic of learner needs in distance learning from the perspective of the student. All research studies, surveys, and case studies were considered as long as they satisfied the following two conditions: a) they were published in a peer-reviewed professional journal and b) they reported on findings obtained from student feedback. Attention was given to those scholarly publications that reported on American community college students or undergraduate students’ feedback of their needs in e-learning. The theoretical foundation underlying the inquiry came from Malcolm Knowles’s (1977) Principles of Andragogy and the social constructivist theory. The examined research papers and studies confirm that Knowles’s principles of adult learning remain to be a valid theoretical approach in online environments as well. Finally, learner feedbacks point to the validity of the principles of social constructivist theory as the most likely approach to online learning
mijn notes
The purpose of this qualitative inquiry is to analyze the literature on the topic of learner needs in distance learning from the perspective of the student. All research studies, surveys, and case studies were considered as long as they satisfied the following two conditions: a) they were published in a peer-reviewed professional journal and b) they reported on findings obtained from student feedback. Attention was given to those scholarly publications that reported on American community college students or undergraduate students’ feedback of their needs in e-learning. The theoretical foundation underlying the inquiry came from Malcolm Knowles’s (1977) Principles of Andragogy and the social constructivist theory. The examined research papers and studies confirm that Knowles’s principles of adult learning remain to be a valid theoretical approach in online environments as well. Finally, learner feedbacks point to the validity of the principles of social constructivist theory as the most likely approach to online learning
mijn notes
- ziet er niet uit als een hoogwaardige bron
- knowles principles of andragogy:
- 1. His [adults] self-concept moves from one of being a dependent personality toward one of being a self-directed human being.
2. He accumulates a growing reservoir of experience that becomes an increasing resource for learning.
3. His readiness to learn becomes oriented increasingly to the development tasks of his social roles.
4. His time perspective changes from one of postponed application of knowledge to immediacy of application, and accordingly his orientation toward learning shifts from one of subject-centeredness to one of problem-centeredness (p. 39). - three themes emerged as key components of learner needs in online courses: 1 importance of self-directed learning skills, 2 online interaction that supports learning, 3 motivating students. All three are important components of Knowles's principles of adult learning.
- importance of self-directed learning skills: the students' feedback revealed that self-management, self -efficiacy and the ability to direct own's onw learning are keys to learner succes in online environments. students choose to take online courses because they need the flexibility that online learning provides (and not because they want e-learning). students who are dependent neeed a high level of feedback and interaction and might struggle with an online course. it is important to teach students to be more self-directed
- online interaction that supports learning. social presence is crucial. learners appreciate beging part of a community. getting timely responses from peers and the instructor as conducive to learning. toprated was also communicating effectively and showing concern for student learning.
- motivating students. students need additional motivation in e-settings. metacognitive feedback can induce students to become self-regulated learners.
adult learners,
zelf-gestuurd leren
Davies adult learning: a lived experience approach to understanding the process
three approaches to adult learning are being advocated and used as bases for research and theory developed. A fourth, the 'lived experience approach' deserves more attention
mijn notes:
mijn notes:
- er zijn drie gangbare theorien voor het leren van volwassenen:
- personalised instruction
- andragogy
- personal learning project
- de vierde die de schrijver voorstelt is gebaseerd op lived experience
- learning needs to develop out of the current experience of the learner and build from it.
- freire is een aanhanger van dit model. hij describes the educator's role as on in which he enters into dialogue with the learner about concrete situations from the learner's experience. teaching can only be done from the inside out.
- learners have a new sense of discovery of themselves as learners
- niet echt bruikbaar denk ik
mcnickle the impact ict has on how we learn
This paper provides an overview of the impact that ICTs have on learning and some of
the limitations. ICTs have been responsible for the transfer of education from passive
participation to active participation. The Internet offers the learner opportunities to
go beyond boundaries not experienced before – in the terms of subject matter and
As a result of ICTs, new learning concepts have evolved, based predominantly on the
constructivist mode of learning and knowledge-development. The power that the web
allows the self-directed learner is enormous in comparison to the traditional
classroom based learner.
It has been found that for learners to achieve a level of expertise the learning has to
be deep, conceptual and reflective with strong links between concepts and practice.
This paper seeks to illustrate some of the research findings addressing these areas.
mijn notes:
This paper provides an overview of the impact that ICTs have on learning and some of
the limitations. ICTs have been responsible for the transfer of education from passive
participation to active participation. The Internet offers the learner opportunities to
go beyond boundaries not experienced before – in the terms of subject matter and
As a result of ICTs, new learning concepts have evolved, based predominantly on the
constructivist mode of learning and knowledge-development. The power that the web
allows the self-directed learner is enormous in comparison to the traditional
classroom based learner.
It has been found that for learners to achieve a level of expertise the learning has to
be deep, conceptual and reflective with strong links between concepts and practice.
This paper seeks to illustrate some of the research findings addressing these areas.
mijn notes:
- learning theory takes many forms including pedagogy, andragogy and heutagogy.
- the move towards a more self-directed learning style is closely aligned with heutagogy. (self-determined learning Hase and Kenyon 2000)
- can be seen as advancing on the metacognitive elements of andragogy and the adult learning principles based on self-directedness. this approach focuses on the participative and reflective aspects of learning, constructing meaning and systems with the focus on the learner instead of the teacher.
- one of the major changes that has taken place as a consequence of online learning is the shift of the control of the learning from the teacher to both teacher and learner sharing the responsibility.
- andragogy: informing learners of the importance of what they are learning, showing learners how to direct themselves through information, relating the topic to their experiences, learners have to see the relativity and they will not learn until they are motivated and ready to learn, assisting learners to overcome inhibitions and beliefs about learning
- heutagogy is seen as a progression towards self-determined learning and a more mature form of learning.
- heutagogy uses skills like reflection, environmental scanning, to be able to value experiences, interact with others.
- p. 7 technology assists and aids adults with learning as: adults learn best by doing, adult learn best when they can actively use information, adults learn best when they are intrinsically motivated
- ict had the following impact on the learning process: providing a greater opportunity for learning tasks to be authentic, global, constructive and negotial; providing greater opportunities for learning resources to be open, non-linear, flexible and negotiable: changing the learning support role of teachers from expert to coach; transferring effort from the individual to a collaborative effort and changing fragmented assessment to integrated assessment
- beetje onduidelijk stuk
simons towards a constructivistic theory of self-directed learning
Towards a constructivistic theory of self-directed learning
P.R.J. Simons
University of Nijmegen
the Netherlands
In this article a theory of self-directed learning is presented based on social constructivistic starting points. Social constructivism focuses on the exchange of perspectives on reality between people who are willing to maintain and strengthen each other's identities. For learning this means that perspectives and perspective taking are important processes in learning. Moreover collective meaning construction is essential. Learning is described as a social-interactive, contextual, constructive, self-regulated and reflective process. The theory focuses on three kinds of learning functions (preparatory, executive and closing) as building blocks that can be used in three different ways: in guided environments, in self-directed learning and in situations where learning is a side effect of other activities only. Learning functions are psychological processes and activities that people execute when learning, be it consciously or unconsciously. The three ways to learn (guided, self-directed, unconsciously) are described as three different ways to organize the same learning functions in different ways. We describe the success factors for these three ways to learn. Skills of self-directed learning are also different for the three ways to learn. In guided environments, skills of learner control consist mostly of executive learning functions. The skills for self-directed learning (or action learning in working situations) are described next. Here the preparatory and closing learning functions tend to dominate. Finally, skills of experiential learning are described. In this way of learning the key skill is to design and look for environments that may lead to unconscious forms of learning where the learning functions follow from action automatically.
mijn notes
P.R.J. Simons
University of Nijmegen
the Netherlands
In this article a theory of self-directed learning is presented based on social constructivistic starting points. Social constructivism focuses on the exchange of perspectives on reality between people who are willing to maintain and strengthen each other's identities. For learning this means that perspectives and perspective taking are important processes in learning. Moreover collective meaning construction is essential. Learning is described as a social-interactive, contextual, constructive, self-regulated and reflective process. The theory focuses on three kinds of learning functions (preparatory, executive and closing) as building blocks that can be used in three different ways: in guided environments, in self-directed learning and in situations where learning is a side effect of other activities only. Learning functions are psychological processes and activities that people execute when learning, be it consciously or unconsciously. The three ways to learn (guided, self-directed, unconsciously) are described as three different ways to organize the same learning functions in different ways. We describe the success factors for these three ways to learn. Skills of self-directed learning are also different for the three ways to learn. In guided environments, skills of learner control consist mostly of executive learning functions. The skills for self-directed learning (or action learning in working situations) are described next. Here the preparatory and closing learning functions tend to dominate. Finally, skills of experiential learning are described. In this way of learning the key skill is to design and look for environments that may lead to unconscious forms of learning where the learning functions follow from action automatically.
mijn notes
- a constructivistic theory of self-direction in learning should take into account that self-directed learning is a social-interactive, contextual, constructive, self-regulated and reflective process
- learning functions are psychological functions to be fulfilled before, during and after learning by a learner alone or with the help of outsiders like teachers, fellow students, computers or bosses
- a self-directed learner is able and ready to prepare learning independently, to execute the executive learning functions indenpendently and to close learning independently.
- guided learning is more likely in formal education then real self-directed learning. learner control. learner control means being able to control and execute the executive learning fucntions independently within the constraints of external control
- self-directed learning as a side effect: in many situations learning is a side-effect of problem solving, working or acting only and it will appear as experiential or incidental learning. personal autonomy is belangrijk
- four possible kinds of activities on or near the job that can lead to experiental learing: 1 feedback on activities, 2 reflection in general sense, 3 innovation and experimentation, 4 theory construction or vision development
- metaphor voor leren: journey: travelling, trekking exploring
zelf-gestuurd leren
Simons van zelfstandig werken naar zelfverantwoordelijk leren
in dit artikel presenteren we eerst een overzicht van verschillende vormen van zelfstandig werken en leren en de daarvoor benodigde vaardigheden en houdingen. daarna bieden we concrete didactische aanwijzigingen en procedures voor de onderscheiden vormen van zelfstandig werken en leren.
mijn notes
in dit artikel presenteren we eerst een overzicht van verschillende vormen van zelfstandig werken en leren en de daarvoor benodigde vaardigheden en houdingen. daarna bieden we concrete didactische aanwijzigingen en procedures voor de onderscheiden vormen van zelfstandig werken en leren.
mijn notes
- figuur 1 vier componenten en hun relatie in een leerproces
- figuur 2 de verschillen in zelfwerkzaamheid tussen de vier door Simons vastgestelde fases
- p 12 metacognitief bewustzijn en vaardigheden
- figuur 4 metacognitieve kennis en vaardigheden benodigd bij de vier varianten van zelfwerkzaamheid
- figuur 10 heb ik gebruikt voor de vragenlijst
zelf-gestuurd leren
polson idea paper nr 29 teaching adult students
mijn notes:
mijn notes:
- characteristics of adult learners: multiple roles, more life experience, varied developmental tasks, experience with education long time ago, off-campus directed, having established clearer educational goals
- must meet specific needs: they want to know how the course work will meet their needs, it is imperative that instructors learn very early why each student enrolled in the course, gather background information, alternative exercises
- assistance with everyday tasks: adults students are very task oriented, wanting and expecting their learning be applicable to problems with which they are being confronted daily, case studies based on situations the students have confronted on the job,
- experiences impact teaching and learning : the difficulty is not learning something new, it is in relating it back to what has been previously learned, when presenting information that is new to the student, it is important to help them integrate the new information with information they have already acquired, adults have developed some preconceptions, occasionally adult students will react emotionally and become defensive when 'their truths' are questioned, understanding that this is a normal pattern of learning will help the instructor anticipate and cope with student anger or resistance to the new learning, students need transition time to focus on and absorb new information
- consequences of aging process on learning: use large print, employ both audio and visual formats, older and younger students differ most in their reaction time, older students may perform poorly on timed, multiple choice tests, tasks requiring psychomotor skills, use a variety of ways to measure student learning, as students grow older, they tend to experience some short-term memory loss, progresses at the speed that students can follow,
- create a positive learning environment: older students feel insecure, instructors should provide support and encouragement when asking students to try new skills, ensure a non-threatening learning climate where learners feel free to take risks and try new skills, adult learners need to feel a part of a learning community, providing a class roster, a
vrijdag 24 april 2009
lowe exploring the work/life/study balance
mijn notes:
mijn notes:
- gaat over de balance tussen studeren werk en leven
- blijkt dat het verschil tussen voltijd en deeltijdstudenten niet zo groot is
- ze werken allebei lange dagen en veel volltijd studenten hebben ook kinderen en een relatie
- omgeving is heel belangrijk, als relaties en werkgever begripvol zijn wordt het een stuk makkelijker
- mensen die alles weten te integreren slagen het best
- meer dan de helft weet een balans te vinden
- een significante minderheid heeft last van conflicten en stress
- studenten zouden voordeel kunnen behalen bij advies over hoe ze support kunnen mobiliseren ipv afstoten. ook aanleren van effective studyskills en time management zou nuttig zijn.
- ook zouden studenten hun conflicterende ervaringen het klaslokaal in moeten mogen nemen en gebruiken ipv ze achter te moeten laten bij de deur.
ausburn course design elements most valued by adult learners in blended online education
This research describes course design elements most valued by adult learners in blended learning environments that combine face-to-face contact with Web-based learning. It identifies the online course features and the instructional design
goals selected as most important by a sample of 67 adults and compares the group rankings with those of various sub-groups based on gender, pre-course technology and self-direction skills and experiences, and preferred learning strategies as
measured by Assessing the Learning Strategies of Adults (ATLAS). The results of the study support the principles of adult learning, indicating that adults value course designs containing options, personalization, self-direction, variety, and a learning
community. Findings also identify some differences in learning emphasis by gender, preferred learning strategies, and previous experience with technology and self-directed learning. Implications of these findings for higher education in serving
adult learners are discussed.
mijn notes
This research describes course design elements most valued by adult learners in blended learning environments that combine face-to-face contact with Web-based learning. It identifies the online course features and the instructional design
goals selected as most important by a sample of 67 adults and compares the group rankings with those of various sub-groups based on gender, pre-course technology and self-direction skills and experiences, and preferred learning strategies as
measured by Assessing the Learning Strategies of Adults (ATLAS). The results of the study support the principles of adult learning, indicating that adults value course designs containing options, personalization, self-direction, variety, and a learning
community. Findings also identify some differences in learning emphasis by gender, preferred learning strategies, and previous experience with technology and self-directed learning. Implications of these findings for higher education in serving
adult learners are discussed.
mijn notes
- belangrijkste onderdelen: course announcements, course information, information about specific assignments
- structure and security is important to adult learners. these three features offer guidance and confirmation
- verschillen tussen ervaren gebruikers en niet mbt security
- adults may value options, variety and self-directness and also effective two way communication with classmates and instructor. they also benefit from frequent announcements and reminders from instructor.
- the results support the basic principles of adult learnin'g
- demand by adult learners for learning options, choices and personalization.
adult learners,
zelf-gestuurd leren
Delahaye complex learning preferences and strategies of older adults
The research reported in this study concerns older adults from Australia
who voluntarily chose to learn the craft of woodturning. The paper examines
the literature of adult learning under the themes of presage factors,
the learning environment, instructional methods, and techniques for
facilitators. The paper then reports on the analysis of two sections of a
questionnaire completed by 123 respondents: the first on motivation to
learn and the second on learning strategies. The older learners reported
using both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, with intrinsic motivation
constructed of both general and specific elements. There were four main
learning strategies used: actively seeking knowledge, independent
learning, dependent learning, and passively seeking knowledge.
mijn notes
The research reported in this study concerns older adults from Australia
who voluntarily chose to learn the craft of woodturning. The paper examines
the literature of adult learning under the themes of presage factors,
the learning environment, instructional methods, and techniques for
facilitators. The paper then reports on the analysis of two sections of a
questionnaire completed by 123 respondents: the first on motivation to
learn and the second on learning strategies. The older learners reported
using both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, with intrinsic motivation
constructed of both general and specific elements. There were four main
learning strategies used: actively seeking knowledge, independent
learning, dependent learning, and passively seeking knowledge.
mijn notes
- gaat over echt oude lerenden
- have a wealth of experiences, multiple perspective on learning
- aspecten van belang bij leren van ouderen: presage factors, learning environment, instructional methods, facilitation techniques
- presage factors: fear of rejection, dislike learning because of negative experiences at school, emotionally attached to beliefs, knowledge and world views. difficulty is changing the basic frame of references that adults hold
- learning environment: more comfortabel with similar aged cohort, value peer support, mentoring and tutoring,
- teaching methods: may desire more traditional teaching methods although might be more suitable for collegial learning strategies like group discussions etc. preference for -traditional structured teaching vs self-paced and group learning approaches. althoug they will take on increasing responsibilty for their own learning.
- facilitation techniques: build on prior knowledge and real-life experiences
- learning styles: as people age their learning style preferences become less pronounced and gender becomes less of an influence and individual differences more apparant.
- 55-65 prefer to learn by doing, 66-74 watch and listen, 75- watch, listen and think.
- result: older learners like both traditional and collegial, self-paced learning
- they can be both dependent and independent learners
adult learners,
Ausburn gender and learning strategy differences in nontraditional adult students'......
This study describes instructional design elements most valued by nontraditional adult
learners in hybrid learning environments that combine limited face-to-face contact with
online learning and collaboration. It identifies the online course features and
instructional goals selected as most important by a sample of 67 adults. It then compares
this group’s rankings with those of subgroups based on gender and preferred learning
strategies as measured by the Assessing the Learning Strategies of Adults (ATLAS) test.
The results of the study support the application of principles of adult learning in
developing online environments for adults, identify some differences in learning emphasis
by gender and preferred learning strategies, and underscore the importance of providing
a variety of learning options in adult learning environments with an online component.
mijn notes
This study describes instructional design elements most valued by nontraditional adult
learners in hybrid learning environments that combine limited face-to-face contact with
online learning and collaboration. It identifies the online course features and
instructional goals selected as most important by a sample of 67 adults. It then compares
this group’s rankings with those of subgroups based on gender and preferred learning
strategies as measured by the Assessing the Learning Strategies of Adults (ATLAS) test.
The results of the study support the application of principles of adult learning in
developing online environments for adults, identify some differences in learning emphasis
by gender and preferred learning strategies, and underscore the importance of providing
a variety of learning options in adult learning environments with an online component.
mijn notes
- nontraditional working adults worden de grootste groep in hoger onderwijs
- vanwege drukke levens accepteren adult students e-learning makkelijker
- van de andere kant heeft men zorgen dat e-learning juist een nadeel is voor adult students omdat ze minder ervaringen hebben met technology en omdat ze graag in een tradionele klaslokaal les willen hebben.
- onderzoek toont aan dat studenten adult students graag een studyprogram hebben dat past in hun drukke levensstijl. belangrijkste redenen om een bepaalde studie te kiezen waren mogelijkheden om te versnellen, makkelijk te bereiken campus en aanwezigheid van online instructional options
- hybrid model = mixed mode = blended = sandwich is meest effectief
- belangrijk om in de gaten te houden bij deeltijd: 1 ze zijn anders dan de voltijd, 2 zij zijn individueel ook weer heel anders
- onderzoek geeft aan dat belangrijk is voor adult students: need-to-know, immediacy of application, sharing of life experiences, ownership of one's learning, autonomy, self-direction, collaboration and affinity for real-life learning.
- doel onderzoek: identify the online instructional features selected as most important bij adult students and to compare them with gender and specific learning strategies.
- resultaten: the adults in this study followed preferences patterns already established by adult learning theory for traditional instructional environments; placing high value on learning options, variety, self-direction of their learning resources and pathways, relevant content, development of a sense of group membership.
- the adults in this study also placed high value on effective two-way communication online with their classmates and instructor and felt they benefitted from frequent announcements
- it is important to create a learning community
- also clearly supported in this study is the growing expectation and demand of adults for learning options, choices and personalization of learning opportunities.
adult learners,
simons ontwikkeling van leercompetenties
In een nummer over competentie-ontwikkeling mogen leercompetenties niet ontbreken. Wanneer organisaties er in slagen leercompetenties tot ontwikkeling te brengen, kunnen immers ook de andere competenties gemakkelijker tot stand worden gebracht (zie de literatuur over lerende organisaties). De centrale stelling van het onderhavig artikel is dat de ontwikkeling van leercompetenties onder andere door een drietal misvattingen over leren wordt verhinderd. Deze misvattingen zijn:
1) Slimme mensen zijn goed in leren
2) Goed kunnen leren is hetzelfde als goed kunnen onthouden
3) Leren vindt vooral plaats in trainingen
Deze misvattingen zijn er mede debet aan, zo wordt betoogd, dat bepaalde leercompetenties niet tot ontwikkeling komen of zelfs afgeleerd worden. Naast deze misvattingen zijn er nog andere factoren die het ontstaan of handhaven van leercompetenties lijken te verhinderen. Hierop wordt aan het eind van het artikel ingegaan. Ook wordt ingegaan op de vraag hoe leercompetenties tot ontwikkeling kunnen worden gebracht.
mijn notities
In een nummer over competentie-ontwikkeling mogen leercompetenties niet ontbreken. Wanneer organisaties er in slagen leercompetenties tot ontwikkeling te brengen, kunnen immers ook de andere competenties gemakkelijker tot stand worden gebracht (zie de literatuur over lerende organisaties). De centrale stelling van het onderhavig artikel is dat de ontwikkeling van leercompetenties onder andere door een drietal misvattingen over leren wordt verhinderd. Deze misvattingen zijn:
1) Slimme mensen zijn goed in leren
2) Goed kunnen leren is hetzelfde als goed kunnen onthouden
3) Leren vindt vooral plaats in trainingen
Deze misvattingen zijn er mede debet aan, zo wordt betoogd, dat bepaalde leercompetenties niet tot ontwikkeling komen of zelfs afgeleerd worden. Naast deze misvattingen zijn er nog andere factoren die het ontstaan of handhaven van leercompetenties lijken te verhinderen. Hierop wordt aan het eind van het artikel ingegaan. Ook wordt ingegaan op de vraag hoe leercompetenties tot ontwikkeling kunnen worden gebracht.
mijn notities
- een van de drie eerste artikelen van simons die mij op de weg van zelfgestuurd leren zette.
- leerstijlen vermunt, drie van de vier leerstijlen kunnen dus, bezien vanuit het leren op de werkplek, eerder gezien worden als tekorten in leercompetentie dan als waarde-neutrale persoonheidseigenschappen.
- betekenisgericht zijn vormt eerder een leercompetentie dan een leerstijl.
- kunnen leren is ook een metacognitieve competentie; competente leerders hebben zicht op egen leren.
- leercompetentie is ook een sociale leercompetentie.
- er kunnen de volgende leercompetenties worden onderscheiden: betekenis-gericht kunnen leren, toepassings-gericht kunnen leren, niet te veel toepassings-gericht kunnen leren, zich op eigen leren hebben, zelf-sturing van eigen leren, samenwerkend kunnen leren.
- het is een misvatting dat leren vooral plaats vindt in opleidingen. op de werkvloer wordt ook veel geleerd. zie figuur 1 voor typen leren en personen die daarbij een rol kunnen spelen.
- dit kan nog interessant zijn voor het vervolg, hoe organiseer je leren op de werkplek
zelf-gestuurd leren
simons leervermogen: vaardigheden, belemmeringen, ontwikkeling
In deze bijdrage wordt ingegaan op het leervermogen van individuen, groepen en organisaties. Eerst wordt ingegaan op de vraag waarom leervermogen belangrijk is. Vervolgens wordt aandacht besteed aan de vraag hoe leervermogen ontstaat en wat de totstandkoming van leervermogen belemmert. Naast aanpassing aan de omgeving zijn persoonlijkheidsfactoren en metacognitieve kennis en vaardigheden van belang. Er worden drie manieren van leren onderscheiden (gestuurd leren, zelfgestuurd of actieleren en ervaringsleren) die gepaard gaan met andere sets van vaardigheden en houdingen. Tot slot wordt een overzicht gegeven van de noodzakelijke leervaardigheden en -houdingen (voor het individueel leren, groepsleren en organisatieleren). Naast de vaardigheden en houdingen op zich zelf zijn ook de onderlinge relaties van belang: de drie vormen van leren kunnen elkaar versterken De geschetste vaardigheden en houdingen kunnen onder meer worden gebruikt bij het diagnosticeren van leervermogens en het organiseren van opleidingen met de bevordering van leervermogen als nevendoel en in coachingstrajecten.
mijn notes:
In deze bijdrage wordt ingegaan op het leervermogen van individuen, groepen en organisaties. Eerst wordt ingegaan op de vraag waarom leervermogen belangrijk is. Vervolgens wordt aandacht besteed aan de vraag hoe leervermogen ontstaat en wat de totstandkoming van leervermogen belemmert. Naast aanpassing aan de omgeving zijn persoonlijkheidsfactoren en metacognitieve kennis en vaardigheden van belang. Er worden drie manieren van leren onderscheiden (gestuurd leren, zelfgestuurd of actieleren en ervaringsleren) die gepaard gaan met andere sets van vaardigheden en houdingen. Tot slot wordt een overzicht gegeven van de noodzakelijke leervaardigheden en -houdingen (voor het individueel leren, groepsleren en organisatieleren). Naast de vaardigheden en houdingen op zich zelf zijn ook de onderlinge relaties van belang: de drie vormen van leren kunnen elkaar versterken De geschetste vaardigheden en houdingen kunnen onder meer worden gebruikt bij het diagnosticeren van leervermogens en het organiseren van opleidingen met de bevordering van leervermogen als nevendoel en in coachingstrajecten.
mijn notes:
- door dit stuk ben ik in de richting van leercompetenties en uiteindelijk het zelfgestuurd leren gaan denken.
- 'al het leren is in de kern zelfstandig leren'
- aandacht voor leren leren is belangrijk in het verband met het levenslang leren
- gebrek aan aansluiting kan mede in verband worden gebracht met gebrek aan zelfstandig leervermogen
- leercompetenties zijn nauw verweven met leerstijlen
- omgevingsadaptatie/ beroepsdeformatie
- factoren die belemmeren dat mensen leren: neiging om niet na te denken over leren, neiging om geen leerdoelen te stellen, affectieve en motivationele blokkades, ontbrekende zelfregulatievaardigheden, ontbrekende leervaardigheden, neiging van docenten om sterk te sturen, opvattingen van wat leren inhoudt,
- opvattingen en misvattingen over leren: leren is uit het hoofdleren, leren is het uitvoeren van studievaardigheden, leren doe je in een opleiding, ervaringsleren kan men niet organiseren, er is maar 1 manier van leren, leren heeft vooral te maken met cognitieve vaardigheden, om te kunnen leren moet je slim zijn, leren is een individueel proces.
- Waaruit bestaat leervermogen? gestuurd leren, zelfgestuurd leren, ervaringsleren, samenleren.
- deze soorten leren worden uiteengezet in vaardigheden. Deze heb ik gebruikt voor de eerste opzet van de vragenlijst.
dinsdag 21 april 2009
van Dijk het leren van volwassenen
(staat in scholar opleidingskunde, nog ophalen)
in dit artikel wordt op beide factoren (factoren die ook bij kinderen spelen maar dan anders en factoren die geen rol spelen bij kinderen) nader in gegaan. de factoren die worden behandeld zijn intelligentie en metacognitie, motivatie, vroegere leerervaringen en locus of control, ervaringsconcentratie, wijze waarop volwassenen leren en leerstijlen en leeftijd.
intelligentie en metacognitie
uit onderzoek blijkt dat metacognitieve vaardigheden een belangrijke voorspeller zijn van leerprestaties.
om succesvol je eigen leren te kunnen sturen moet je beschikken over metacognitieve vaardigheden, die het best door scholing kunnen worden verkregen.
mensen met weinig leerervaringen hebben dus minder metacognitieve vaardigheden dan mensen met meer leerervaringen. opleidingen kunnen op dit gegeven inspelen door aandacht te geven aan de manier waarop het best geleerd kan worden. studievaardigheden
motivatie, vroegere leerervaringen en locus of control
wanneer een lerende is overtuigd van het nut van hetgeen hij leert, zal hij meer gemotiveerd zijn en beter presteren. om dit te ontwikkelen kan je lerenden betrekken bij het ontwikkelen van de opleiding.
er mag nooit worden aangenomen dat motivatie al aanwezig is tijdens het lesgeven cq de leerinteractie.
het zelfconcept van volwassenen is tot stand gekomen door de mate waarin ze succes hebben ervaren in hun dagelijks leven. succeservaringen zijn sterk stimulerend. wanneer vroegere schoolervaringen negatief zijn geweest is het moeilijk om het zelfconcept tav leren te verhogen.
om succesvol het eigen leren te kunnen plannen en sturen, is het hebben van een interne locus van control erg belangrijk.
volwassenen hebben een grote hoeveelheid aan leerervaringen. daarnaast bezitten ze veel kennis en ervaringen die ze hebben opgedaan in het dagelijks leven. volwassenen leren het beste als er wordt aangesloten op de vroegere ervaringen.
ervaringen kunnen tevens een barriere zijn bij het leren. de ervaringen werken namelijk als een filter voordat er communicatie door kan dringen.
met het stijgen van de leeftijd neemt de veelheid aan ervaringen toe en neemt de verscheidenheid af. dit is ervaringsconcentratie. de bereidheid om te veranderen neemt af naarmate de veelheid aan ervaringen op een gebied groter is.
vakinhoudelijke ervaringsconcentratie wordt ook jobfixation genoemd.
leerstrategische ervaringsconcentratie bestaat ook. hoe hoger de abstractiegraad van een vooropleiding en hoe breder iemand geschoold is, hoe kleiner de kans op ervaringsconcentratie.
opleidingen kunnen inspelen op toenemende ervaringsconcentratie door rekening te houden met zes principes
1 actieve verwerking
2 systematische feedback
3 herkenbaar begrippenkader
4 direct toepasbaar
5 aangepast sociale context
6 aangepast logistieke context
wijze waarop volwassenen leren en leerstijlen.
leerstijlen van vermunt
1 oppervlakkige stijl
2 diepte strategie
3 elaboratieve stijl
kolb herkent vier leerstijlen
1 divergeerders (dromers)
2 assimilators (denkers)
3 convergeerders (beslissers)
4 accomodators (doeners)
laagopgeleide volwassenen zijn gericht op het toepassen van kennis. dit past het beste bij de elaboratieve stijl en accomodators en divigeerders stijlen.
naar mate mijn ouder wordt, heeft men meer tijd nodig om te leren
taken waarbij goed nagedacht moet worden, controlled processing, kosten ouderen in vergelijking met jongeren meer tijd.
veroudering heeft voornamelijk effect op de werking van het lange termijn geheugen
ouderen worden langzamer in hun cognitieve fucnties.
ouderen worden langzamer in het onderscheiden
volwassen kunnen het meest effectief leren in hun eigen tempo.
in dit artikel wordt op beide factoren (factoren die ook bij kinderen spelen maar dan anders en factoren die geen rol spelen bij kinderen) nader in gegaan. de factoren die worden behandeld zijn intelligentie en metacognitie, motivatie, vroegere leerervaringen en locus of control, ervaringsconcentratie, wijze waarop volwassenen leren en leerstijlen en leeftijd.
intelligentie en metacognitie
uit onderzoek blijkt dat metacognitieve vaardigheden een belangrijke voorspeller zijn van leerprestaties.
om succesvol je eigen leren te kunnen sturen moet je beschikken over metacognitieve vaardigheden, die het best door scholing kunnen worden verkregen.
mensen met weinig leerervaringen hebben dus minder metacognitieve vaardigheden dan mensen met meer leerervaringen. opleidingen kunnen op dit gegeven inspelen door aandacht te geven aan de manier waarop het best geleerd kan worden. studievaardigheden
motivatie, vroegere leerervaringen en locus of control
wanneer een lerende is overtuigd van het nut van hetgeen hij leert, zal hij meer gemotiveerd zijn en beter presteren. om dit te ontwikkelen kan je lerenden betrekken bij het ontwikkelen van de opleiding.
er mag nooit worden aangenomen dat motivatie al aanwezig is tijdens het lesgeven cq de leerinteractie.
het zelfconcept van volwassenen is tot stand gekomen door de mate waarin ze succes hebben ervaren in hun dagelijks leven. succeservaringen zijn sterk stimulerend. wanneer vroegere schoolervaringen negatief zijn geweest is het moeilijk om het zelfconcept tav leren te verhogen.
om succesvol het eigen leren te kunnen plannen en sturen, is het hebben van een interne locus van control erg belangrijk.
volwassenen hebben een grote hoeveelheid aan leerervaringen. daarnaast bezitten ze veel kennis en ervaringen die ze hebben opgedaan in het dagelijks leven. volwassenen leren het beste als er wordt aangesloten op de vroegere ervaringen.
ervaringen kunnen tevens een barriere zijn bij het leren. de ervaringen werken namelijk als een filter voordat er communicatie door kan dringen.
met het stijgen van de leeftijd neemt de veelheid aan ervaringen toe en neemt de verscheidenheid af. dit is ervaringsconcentratie. de bereidheid om te veranderen neemt af naarmate de veelheid aan ervaringen op een gebied groter is.
vakinhoudelijke ervaringsconcentratie wordt ook jobfixation genoemd.
leerstrategische ervaringsconcentratie bestaat ook. hoe hoger de abstractiegraad van een vooropleiding en hoe breder iemand geschoold is, hoe kleiner de kans op ervaringsconcentratie.
opleidingen kunnen inspelen op toenemende ervaringsconcentratie door rekening te houden met zes principes
1 actieve verwerking
2 systematische feedback
3 herkenbaar begrippenkader
4 direct toepasbaar
5 aangepast sociale context
6 aangepast logistieke context
wijze waarop volwassenen leren en leerstijlen.
leerstijlen van vermunt
1 oppervlakkige stijl
2 diepte strategie
3 elaboratieve stijl
kolb herkent vier leerstijlen
1 divergeerders (dromers)
2 assimilators (denkers)
3 convergeerders (beslissers)
4 accomodators (doeners)
laagopgeleide volwassenen zijn gericht op het toepassen van kennis. dit past het beste bij de elaboratieve stijl en accomodators en divigeerders stijlen.
naar mate mijn ouder wordt, heeft men meer tijd nodig om te leren
taken waarbij goed nagedacht moet worden, controlled processing, kosten ouderen in vergelijking met jongeren meer tijd.
veroudering heeft voornamelijk effect op de werking van het lange termijn geheugen
ouderen worden langzamer in hun cognitieve fucnties.
ouderen worden langzamer in het onderscheiden
volwassen kunnen het meest effectief leren in hun eigen tempo.
adult learners,
walter onderzoek naar leercompetenties middels de ULI
Een nieuwe vragenlijst over leercompetenties is ingezet om bevestiging te vinden voor verschillende te onderscheiden dimensies van leercompetenties. De vragenlijst is verspreid onder werknemers van verschillende organisaties. Inhoudsdeskundigen zijn bevraagd over de mate waarin zij de gebruikte items representatief en relevant achten. Statistische analyse levert drie dimensies op. De operationalisatie van de dimensies moet nog verfijnd worden. De vragenlijst is uiteindelijk bedoeld om leercompetenties te meten bij nieuwe werknemers. De veronderstelling is dat verschil in leercompetenties verschil in inwerktijd kan verklaren.
mijn notes
mijn notes
- leercompetenties zijn in dit onderzoek gedefinieerd als 'kennis en inzicht alsmede vaardigheden en attitudes die te maken hebben met iemands mogelijkheden om de actueel aanwezige beroepsuitoefeningcompetentie (thijssen)
- onderscheid in drie dimensies: leren van beschikbaar informatieaanbod, arbeidscontextgebonden actoren en van eigen werkervaring. ze willen zelf van zes dimensies uitgaan:
- cursorische informatieverwerking, exploratieve informatieverwerking, begeleidingsbenutting, modellingsbenutting, expertimentele ervaringsverwerving, habituele ervaringsverwerking
- het was goed geweest als ik deze lijst nog een keer doorgenomen had voor de vragenlijst, maar dat heb ik niet gedaan. dus ik weet niet of dit nu nog nuttig is. misschien wel laten zien dat ik deze gevonden heb en waarom ik hem niet gebruikt heb.
tovar learning how to learn: implicatins for non traditional adult students
In this article, learning how to learn for non traditional adult students is discussed with a focus on police officers and firefighters. Learning how to learn is particularly relevant for all returning non-traditional adults; however in the era of terrorism it is critical for the public safety officers returning to college after years of absence from the pedagogy classroom to be successful.
mijn notes:
mijn notes:
- one issue often overlooked is whether or not the returning student is cognizant of their methodology on how they learn.
- there is no single theory which explains how adults learn differently then children.
learning to learn takes many forms including 1)increasing the individual self awareness and capacity for self-monitoring and reflection. 2) helping people to become more active learners.... 3) broadening the individuals repertoire of learning strategies. 4) preparing people to accomodate the requirements of different delivery systems, methods and subject area. 5)enhancing learner confidence and motivation. 6) compensating for metacognitive deficiencies. 7) improving group inquiry and problem solving skills. 8) helping people make sound choices among the educational programs and resources availabel to them and 9) fostering organizational learning (smith 1990)
- what the learner needs: general understanding, basic skills, self knowledge or reflective knowledge, educational process,
- adults differ in knowledge, experience, attitude and aptitude
- self awareness links directly to learning how to learn when learners become sensitive to, and in control of, the learning process, they become more aware of themselves.
- er staat nog meer in, misschien nuttig voor vervolg
adult learners,
leren leren
caffarella self-directedness and learning contracts in adult education
the purpose of this study was to investigate whether using learning contracts in higher education enhances adults'readiness and competencies for self-directed learning. 163 students from six universities, enrolled in graduate courses in adult education where learning contracts were employed, were given pre and posttests to measure any significant gain in their competencies and readiness for self-directed learning. findings suggest that the use of learning contracts has little inpact on developing readiness for self-directedness, but does have some impact on developing competencies for self-directed learning.
mijn notes:
the purpose of this study was to investigate whether using learning contracts in higher education enhances adults'readiness and competencies for self-directed learning. 163 students from six universities, enrolled in graduate courses in adult education where learning contracts were employed, were given pre and posttests to measure any significant gain in their competencies and readiness for self-directed learning. findings suggest that the use of learning contracts has little inpact on developing readiness for self-directedness, but does have some impact on developing competencies for self-directed learning.
mijn notes:
- independence in learning does not imply lack of structure but rather a new role for the teacher; that of assisting students to take greater responsibility for their own learning.
- een learning contract provides a framework for describing what a student will learn as a result of a specified learning activitity. the learning contract usually consists of four major components: 1 learning objectives, 2 learning resources and strategies, c evaluations of learning activities, 4 a time line for completion. Is dit te vergelijken met een studiecontract/actieplan/ pop?
- het tweede resultaat van het onderzoek is dat de studenten significant hoger scoren op 3 competenties: translate learning needs into learning objectives, identify human and material learning resources and select effective strategies for using learning resources.
- misschien interessant voor vervolg, is een leercontract of id wat voor beter leren zelfgestuurd te leren?
leren leren,
zelf-gestuurd leren
maandag 20 april 2009
fisher development of a self-directed learning readiness scale for nursing education
Self-directed learning is a method of instruction used increasingly in adult education. A scale was developed in response to a need for a valid and reliable instrument to measure self-directed learning readiness. Such a scale will allow nurse educators to diagnose students’ attitudes, abilities and personality characteristics, necessary for self-directed learning. This study was undertaken in two stages. In the first, the Delphi technique utilizing a panel of 11 nurse educator experts was used to assess the content and construct validity of a number of
items perceived to reflect self-directed learning readiness. Each panel member was asked to independently rate the relevance of each item on a Likert scale. The second stage involved the administration of the questionnaire to a convenience sample of 201 undergraduate nursing students. The questionnaire was analysed using principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation, Chronbach’s coefficient alpha, and item-to-total correlations to measure the scale’s construct validity, internal consistency (reliability), and unidimensionality, respectively. The resulting self-directed learning readiness scale appears homogeneous and valid. The scale will assist nurse educators in the diagnosis of student learning needs, in order for the educator to implement teaching strategies that will best suit the students. Furthermore the development of this scale will provide valuable data for curriculum development
mijn notes
ik heb de vragenlijst uiteindelijk niet gebruikt voor mijn vragenlijst. veel informatie over de validiteit, betrouwbaarheid etc van de lijst. ook allerlei statistische berekeningen.
literatuur gedeelte is wel interessant voor definitie van zelf gestuurd leren, zelf gestuurd leren readiness
items perceived to reflect self-directed learning readiness. Each panel member was asked to independently rate the relevance of each item on a Likert scale. The second stage involved the administration of the questionnaire to a convenience sample of 201 undergraduate nursing students. The questionnaire was analysed using principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation, Chronbach’s coefficient alpha, and item-to-total correlations to measure the scale’s construct validity, internal consistency (reliability), and unidimensionality, respectively. The resulting self-directed learning readiness scale appears homogeneous and valid. The scale will assist nurse educators in the diagnosis of student learning needs, in order for the educator to implement teaching strategies that will best suit the students. Furthermore the development of this scale will provide valuable data for curriculum development
mijn notes
ik heb de vragenlijst uiteindelijk niet gebruikt voor mijn vragenlijst. veel informatie over de validiteit, betrouwbaarheid etc van de lijst. ook allerlei statistische berekeningen.
literatuur gedeelte is wel interessant voor definitie van zelf gestuurd leren, zelf gestuurd leren readiness
zelf-gestuurd leren
Bolhuis - leren en veranderen van volwassenen
uit mijn blackboard weblog van 17 februari:
ik heb net leren en veranderen bij volwassenen van sanneke bolhuis gelezen. interessant boek want eigenlijk niet specifiek om volwassenen gaat maar vooral niet om kinderen.
mijn observaties:
ik heb net leren en veranderen bij volwassenen van sanneke bolhuis gelezen. interessant boek want eigenlijk niet specifiek om volwassenen gaat maar vooral niet om kinderen.
mijn observaties:
- p. 88 motivatie kan op drie dingen slaan: om deel te nemen, tijdens het deelnemen en om vol te houden. het eerste zal meestal geen probleem zijn bij deeltijdstudenten maar de andere twee wel. deze vormen van motivatie zijn gekoppeld aan soorten leren, goal oriented learning, activity oriented learning and learning oriented learning. het is belangrijk om bruikbaarheid en praktische toepasbaarheid aan te spreken.
- in mijn vragenlijst moet ik ook vragen naar wat er wordt aangeboden, niet alleen richten op wat zij in huis hebben. misschien gaat bij hen wel alles goed maar wordt het verkeerde aangeboden door de opleiding. wat krijgt de meeste aandacht tijdens de opleiding, kennis, vaardigheden of houdingen. past dit bij de deeltijdstudent?
- misschien moet ik me ook richten op welke ICT tools kunnen deeltijdstudenten ondersteunen bijv. 360 graden feedback in QMP, competentiewijzer, slb toolkit. zo breng ik de ICT component er meer in.
- leervaardigheden:
sociale interactie
doen en ervaren
verwerken van abstracte informatie
taal en symboliek
sturing of regulatie
de eerste twee gaan vanzelf, de rest kost meer explicite aandacht.
vergelijk dit rijtje met Simons en wat past dan het beste bij mijn vraag. - p. 170/171 onzekerheidstolerantie : leren wordt niet perse uitgelokt door nieuwe info. als je niet goed tegen onzekerheid kan zoek je dit ook niet op, dus heb je minder mogelijkheden om te leren. mensen willen het liefst alles hetzelfde houden.
- kennisbasis: kennis over een onderwerp, kennis over leren, kennis over leervermogen.
- p. 173 leeropvattingen. mensen denken als snel dat leren gelijk staat aan op school leren. dat ze daarbuiten ook leren daar denken ze niet aan.
- surface leren komt overeen met stampen, feitjes leren, deeplevel leren komt overeen met constructivistisch leren en als je een strategische leerstijl hebt kan je beiden combineren.
- p. 175 9 manieren om tegen leren aan te kijken
- p. 189 transformatief leren, eerder geleerde is obstakel
- p. 193 onderwijs, veel abstractie, weinig verbintenis met realiteiten en ervaringen. zelfstandig leren
- p. 236 zelfstandig lerne is niet alleen het vermogen eerder geleerde uit te breiden maar ook het afstand doen van eerder geleerde.
- alles wat ik nu gelezen heb over leervermogen , leervaardigheden, onzekerheidstolerantie etc slaat ook erg op mezelf in dit proces. het zou mooi zijn als ik dit in mijn scriptie kan verwerken. ik leer vreselijk veel, zowel kennis, als over mijzelf (houding). dus ik kan het mooi aan mezelf koppelen. ik moet alleen nog even nadenken over de vorm.
kasworm adult meaning making in the undergraduate classroom
This study explores adult undergraduate beliefs about their construction of knowledge in the classroom and the relationships between such knowledge and their adult roles outside the classroom. Five belief structures, called “knowledge voices,” were delineated from interviews with 90 adult students. These belief structures included the entry voice, the outside voice, the cynical
voice, the straddling voice, and the inclusion voice. Each of these five knowledge voices suggests a particular construction of the adult student learning world, perceptions of knowledge, and understandings of relationships between the collegiate classroom and the adult learners’worlds of work, family, self, and community.
mijn notes
voice, the straddling voice, and the inclusion voice. Each of these five knowledge voices suggests a particular construction of the adult student learning world, perceptions of knowledge, and understandings of relationships between the collegiate classroom and the adult learners’worlds of work, family, self, and community.
mijn notes
- er is eigenlijk weinig bekend over wat adult learners anders maakt.
- more complex and varied backgrounds of life experiences and prior knowledge and
skills; complex educational histories; wide-ranging maturity levels, motivations,
and attitudes; and limited time, resources, and access for collegiate engagement
(Apps, 1981; Cross, 1981; Knowles, 1969). - adult learning was viewed to be a self-regulatory process of struggling with the conflict between personal models of
the world and discrepant new insights, constructing new representations and models
of reality as a human meaning-making venture with culturally developed tools and
symbols, and further negotiating such meaning through cooperative social activity,
discourse, and debate. (p. ix) - zeer relevant stuk om naast mijn vragenlijst te gebruiken. gaat meer in op de menselijke kant
- vijf voices hoe studenten betekenis gaven aan hun classroom learning: entry voiced, outside voice, cynical voice, straddling voice en inclusion voice (zie tabel 1).
- deze vijf stemmen zijn interessant. ze geven de manier waarop studenten hun opleiding ervaren en impliceren ook waarvoor ze wel en niet openstaan. het zou mooi zijn als ik deze kan combineren met mijn vragenlijst.
- zeker een aanrader.
adult learners,
social constructivisme
smith toward a theory of learning how to learn
Analysis of the literature suggests that adult educators and
adult learners have much to gain from a clearer conceptualization
of a theory of the nature and implications of learning how to
learn—a concept that involves the adult’s having, or acquiring, the
knowledge and skill essential to learning effectively in whatever
(learning) situation he encounters. The concept can be shown to
have relevance for successful programming and learning in the
three major modes: learning on one’s own, collaborative learning,
and institutional learning. This study (1) explores problems of
definition, (2) describes both learning style and training-organized
activity for helping the adult to achieve competence in learning—
as dimensions or interrelated sub-concepts of learning how to learn,
(3) identifies needed research and (4) suggests that the success or
failure of programs and learning episodes is often determined by
the way in which the implications of this concept are taken into
mijn notes
Analysis of the literature suggests that adult educators and
adult learners have much to gain from a clearer conceptualization
of a theory of the nature and implications of learning how to
learn—a concept that involves the adult’s having, or acquiring, the
knowledge and skill essential to learning effectively in whatever
(learning) situation he encounters. The concept can be shown to
have relevance for successful programming and learning in the
three major modes: learning on one’s own, collaborative learning,
and institutional learning. This study (1) explores problems of
definition, (2) describes both learning style and training-organized
activity for helping the adult to achieve competence in learning—
as dimensions or interrelated sub-concepts of learning how to learn,
(3) identifies needed research and (4) suggests that the success or
failure of programs and learning episodes is often determined by
the way in which the implications of this concept are taken into
mijn notes
- leren leren is een van de vier elementen van het adult learners proces samen met goals, re-inforcement en knowledge of results.
- definitie van leren leren
- learning how to learn of learning to learn
- learning how to learn refers to the adult's having or acquiring the knowledge and skills essential to learning effectively in whatever situations he encounters.
- requirements for success in learning
- skills needed can be divived in three modes: skills for self-directed inquiry, skills for collaborative learning and skills for learning in the traditional institutional setting. vergelijk dat met drie soorten leren van simons.
- skills for selfdirected inquiry, vergelijk die met wat ik onderzocht heb.
- the student moet bewustwording en begrip voor zichzelf als lerende ontwikkelen.
- gaat verder over wat de educator kan doen
- op p 11 staat een overzicht van de rollen en verantwoordelijkheden
- het stuk gaat niet erg diep, ik weet niet of het echt nuttig is.
grow teaching learners to be self-directed
based on the situational leadership model of Hersey and Blanchard (1988) the Staged Self-directed learning model proposes that learners advance through stages of increasing self-direction and that teachers can help or hinder that development. good teaching matches the learner's stage of self-direction and helps the learner advance towards greater self-direction. specific methods are proposed for teaching students at each stage, although many different teaching styles are good when appropriately applied. several pedagogical difficulties are explained as mismatches between teacher style and learner stage, especially the mismatch between a student needing direction and a non-directive teacher
mijn notes
based on the situational leadership model of Hersey and Blanchard (1988) the Staged Self-directed learning model proposes that learners advance through stages of increasing self-direction and that teachers can help or hinder that development. good teaching matches the learner's stage of self-direction and helps the learner advance towards greater self-direction. specific methods are proposed for teaching students at each stage, although many different teaching styles are good when appropriately applied. several pedagogical difficulties are explained as mismatches between teacher style and learner stage, especially the mismatch between a student needing direction and a non-directive teacher
mijn notes
- model om studenten te leren meer zelf gestuurd te worden. gebaseerd op het SSDL model waarin staat dat de stijl van management moet matchen met de readiness van de werknemer.
- het gaat uit van de rol die docenten moeten nemen bij de verschillende soorten studenten. zie model
- zelf-gestuurd leren is te leren en kan onderwezen worden.
- verwijzing naar vygotsky tool of thought
- candy drie betekenissen van de term zelf-gestuurd leren: autonomy, autodidaxy en learner-control
- er zijn vier soorten studenten; dependent, interested, involved en self-directed. Hoe verhoudt zich dit tot de vier fasen van Simons?
- het stuk richt zich op de docent
- ik heb het nog niet helemaal gelezen, gaat vrij ver in hoe je het curriculum moet inrichten.
zelf-gestuurd leren
goldfinch skills, learning styles and success of first-year undergraduates
ABSTRACT This study investigates the relationships between students’
confidence in their generic skills on entry to university, their learning
styles and their academic performance in first year. Research based on
a large cohort of Scottish undergraduates found that students generally
entered university feeling very confident that they already possessed
good skills, and there was a suggestion of over-confidence in that those
who failed the year entered with slightly higher confidence than other
students. However, those students who withdrew during the year had
significantly less confidence. The most significant combination of factors
in explaining success in first year were a low score on the activist
learning style scale and high initial confidence in the skills of selfreliance,
time management and teamwork, together with lower initial
confidence in written communication skills. The implications of this
research are discussed and some suggestions made for improving educational
mijn notes:
confidence in their generic skills on entry to university, their learning
styles and their academic performance in first year. Research based on
a large cohort of Scottish undergraduates found that students generally
entered university feeling very confident that they already possessed
good skills, and there was a suggestion of over-confidence in that those
who failed the year entered with slightly higher confidence than other
students. However, those students who withdrew during the year had
significantly less confidence. The most significant combination of factors
in explaining success in first year were a low score on the activist
learning style scale and high initial confidence in the skills of selfreliance,
time management and teamwork, together with lower initial
confidence in written communication skills. The implications of this
research are discussed and some suggestions made for improving educational
mijn notes:
- verwijzing naar literatuur over redenen om te stoppen met studeren (Hall 2001). meestal 'an accumulated combination of problems.'
- veel voorkomende redenen, verkeerde studie, academic difficulties, financiele problemen, slechte student ervaringen, ontevreden met social omgeving, ontevreden met ondersteuning van de instelling.
- gebrek aan academische vaardigheden wordt ook vaak genoemd door oudere studenten en gebrek aan zelf management en studie vaardigheden door jongere studenten. ook slechte time management skills.
- studenten schatten hun vaardigheden vaak niet goed in
- leerstijlen worden uitgelegd als voorkeur voor 1 van de 4 fases van de adult learning cycle.
- excellent summary of learning styles in Coffield et all 2004
- age, gender, low scores on activist learning style, good timemanagement skills zijn gerelateerd met succes op school en zijn gerelateerd.
- geen verschil in leeftijd bij time management skills
- studenten met werkervaring laten geen grotere confidence zien in hun skills. niet omdat ze die skills niet ontwikkeld hebben maar omdat ze juist meer zicht hebben gekregen op hun beperkingen of ze geen transfer kunnen maken.
- meer interessante gegevens over relatie tussen succes en bepaalde leerstijlen, confidence en skills.
redenen voor uitval
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- Esther van der Linde
- Onderwijskundig adviseur ICT in Onderwijs Service Centrum Onderwijs (SCO) Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen