self-directed learning is a core theoretical construct distinguishing adult education as a field of study. most of the concept's emphasis has been on the external control and management of learning tasks. in an attempt to expand the scope of self-directed learning, this paper presents a comprehensive theoretical model. the proposed model integrates self-management, self-monitoring and motivational dimensions to reflect a meaning and worthwhile approach to self-directed learning. explicating the cognitive and motivational dimensions of self-directed learning is identified as an area requiring further research.
mijn notes:
- heel goed artikel; plaatst self-directed learning in social constructivisme, bespreekt aspecten van zelfmanagement, selfmonitoring en motivation.
- zegt dat zelfgestuurd leren nu meestal gezien wordt als external management of learning maar dat er weinig aandacht is geweest voor het leerproces zelf
- zelfgestuurd leren betekent niet dat je in isolation leert, maar juist interactie is belangrijk
- verwijzingen naar Mezirow en Brookfield, Long
- verschil tussen proces of self-directed learning and the notion of self-direction as a personality construct.
- model zoals hier beschreven bevat drie elementen: selfmanagement, selfmonitoring en motivation. p. 22 model in figuur 1
- Selfmanagement
- Selfmanagement is concerned with task control issues; it is intended to reflect the social setting and what the learners do during the learning process. the control over management of learning tasks is realized in a collaborative relationship between teacher and learner.
- speciaal voor volwassenen is een collaborative learning environment belangrijk
- selfmanagement does not mean students are independent and isolated
- proficiency, resources, interdependence.
- issues of control must balance educational norms and standards with student choice and the responsibility for constructing personal meaning.
- self-monitoring
- monitoring the repertoire of learning strategies as well as an awareness of and an ability to think about our thinking. Self-monitoring is the process whereby the learner takes responsibility for the construction of personal meaning.
- self-monitoring is dependent upon both internal and external feedback
- internal cognitive and metacognitive processes are involved
- self-observation, self-judgment and self-reaction
- metacognitive proficiency is very much associated with the ability to be reflective and think critically.
- the challenge is for the learner to integrate external feedback with his own internal meaning assessment
- motivation
- verschil tussen entering motivation and task motivation
- zie model op p 28
- meer over motivation zie artikel zelf
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